Privacy Policy
last updated on 24th May 2018
We have adopted this Privacy Policy as we take seriously, fairly and lawfully the right of people to keep their personal data private.
This policy covers our handling of personally identifiable information that you provide to us and that we hold.
This policy sets out how we comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) law which came into effect on 25 May 2018.
We collect personal data from you in order that we can:
connect you with regards to your booking request
send you follow up information
ask for feedback about your event
When you first connect with us, we collect your personal data as follows:
ask for consent;
if consent is granted, record your personal data which is then submitted to our Database. It is saved only in our Database.
Principles relating to the processing of personal data are as follows. Data will be:
processed fairly, lawfully, and in a transparent manner;
collected only for legitimate purposes;
adequate, relevant and limited to meet the need;
accurate and where necessary – kept up to date;
held for only as long as is legitimately necessary;
processed in a manner that protects the data from breach or loss.
There are 3 reasons why we may collect personal data:
1. Consent
2. Legitimate Interest in data (engaging with customer requests and sending follow up information)
3. Legal contracts – such as an event agreement / lease agreement.
When Collecting Data
We will ensure that you understand clearly when providing data:
why the data is being collected;
how the data will be used;
and by whom.
If any of the above were to change – you be notified in advance and given the option to then opt-out. The consequences of opting-out should be made clear at the time. If the data was ever to be passed onto another body – you will be advised at the time you give consent.
Consent will be given by a clear, affirmative act establishing a freely given, specific, informed and unambiguous indication of your agreement to the processing of personal data relating to you, such as by a written statement, including by electronic means, or an oral statement. This could include ticking a box when visiting an internet website, choosing technical settings for information society services or another statement or conduct which clearly indicates in this context the data subject's acceptance of the proposed processing of their personal data.
Consent will cover all processing activities.
Consent will be clear – easily read, understood and accessible (e.g. privacy policy on our website).
If consent relates to multiple uses – each use will have its own clear consent.
You can withdraw consent at any time – this does not impact on the data collected previously to this happening.
The only persons who will have access to and process your data are the two members of the band, our website and email provider, WIX and our Bookings App provider and the following:
Re Wix: By submitting your enquiry you agree that your details provided will be securely stored on the server of our website provider, WIX. You can read their privacy policy here. We will only process and use your data in line with your request and not pass it on to third parties.
Re our Bookings App:
Ich nutze zur Erbringung meiner Leistung gegenüber meinen Kunden den Dienst https://app.kreativ.management und habe auf dieser Website ein Kontaktformular eingefügt, welches direkt mit diesem Dienst verbunden ist. Daher werden personenbezogene Daten über das Formular übermittelt.
Der Dienst https://app.kreativ.management bietet die Möglichkeit Stammdaten der betreuten Kunden anzulegen, eine Kalenderverwaltung, eine Aufgaben-/To-do-Liste, ein Postfach zur Kommunikation sowie die Möglichkeit direkt über den Dienst Angebote und Abrechnungen für Leistungen zu erstellen. Angeboten wird dieser Dienst von der Hochzeit.Management GmbH, mit welcher der Webseitenverantwortliche einen Nutzungsvertrag sowie einen – datenschutzrechtlich notwendigen – Auftragsverarbeitungsvertrag hat. Der Dienst wird von Hochzeit.Management GmbH ausschließlich auf Servern gehostet werden, welche sich im EU-Raum befinden. Konkret werden die Daten in Linz (Oberösterreich) gespeichert.
Ich nutze zur Erbringung meiner Leistung gegenüber meinen Kunden den Dienst https://app.kreativ.management. Dieser bietet mir insbesondere die Möglichkeit Stammdaten der von mir betreuten Kunden/Brautpaare anzulegen, eine Kalenderverwaltung, eine Aufgaben-/To-Do-Liste, ein Postfach zur Kommunikation zwischen mir und meinen Kunden sowie die Möglichkeit direkt über den Dienst Angebote und Abrechnungen für die Leistungen des Users zu erstellen. Angeboten wird dieser Dienst von der Hochzeit.Management GmbH, mit welcher ich einen Nutzungsvertrag sowie einen – datenschutzrechtlich notwendigen – Auftragsverarbeitungsvertrag habe.
All data will be returned or deleted after the processor has finished with it.
You have the right to request a number of things in relation to their data, which includes:
Access: the right to access the data held about you.
Rectification:the right to ensure data is accurate and up-to-date.
Erasure:request to be forgotten.
For more information regarding your rights or to request for one or more to be executed, please contact us using the contact details provided at the end of this Privacy Policy.
As an individual has the right to privacy we ensure that everyone is informed and asked for consent prior to taking photos or video footage.
All personal data is held on our Database which is securely stored offline. We take the necessary steps to keep secure all the personal data we hold.
We do not in any way share any information with third parties.
Liam Smith Ceilidh Band, LF Consulting